HAWAIIadmin-wp2020-05-06T02:03:14+00:00 Project Description BLESSED WE LIVE HAWAII I have been blessed to live in Hawaii since 2001, which provides me the best canvas to photograph. Enjoy some of the photos of this beautiful place I’ve been able to capture. ALOHA IMAGES AND DESIGNSadmin-wp2020-05-07T21:56:53+00:00 PEOPLE PEOPLEadmin-wp2020-04-27T21:19:00+00:00 WEDDINGS WEDDINGSadmin-wp2020-05-06T01:41:19+00:00 LANDSCAPE LANDSCAPEadmin-wp2020-05-05T05:43:10+00:00 LIFESTYLE LIFESTYLEadmin-wp2020-04-27T21:41:41+00:00 TRAVEL TRAVELadmin-wp2020-05-06T02:03:14+00:00 HAWAII HAWAII